New Goals for an Older Me

First things first. Today is my birthday! I know I’ll be treating myself to some birthday book purchases sometime soon. This morning T and I read Touch and Feel Birthday–TWICE. I told him several times, “Today is Mommy’s birthday!” But he didn’t seem to get it. Ah well.

Meanwhile, via this post at Jen Robinson’s Book Page, I learned that Jennifer at Snapshot has started a groovy book challenge where we challengees can set goals for reading to our kids. My kid is still a baby, and, like him, my goals are small:

–Read to T for at least 30 minutes each day–especially taking advantage of the morning. He and I are both very mellow in the morning, and for some reason, I haven’t been using that time to read to him much. Morning reading will be good for both of us.

–Read at least one story to him each time we go to Barnes and Noble. I’ve mentioned here before that we go to the bookstore all the time. Usually I read a book or magazine myself. But now I’ll sqeeze in at least one story for T.

–Involve my husband in our reading time at least twice a week. Male role models for reading–need I say more?


  1. Good goals. For some reason I find this post very Bridget Jones-esque.

  2. Beth said

    Happy Birthday!
    And do get your husband involved in the reading with your little one – makes for great memories. My kids laugh when remembering their Dad falling asleep during the bedtime story.

  3. Happy Birthday! I’m so glad that the book challenge resonates with you. I think that you have excellent goals! Like Beth, I especially like the idea of getting your husband involved in the reading.

    Have a great day!

  4. iliana said

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day and the book purchases 🙂 Do let us know what you got!

  5. Cool! Great to have you in. Be sure to come back on Monday and link your post up to officially enter the mission (I think that’s a better word than challenge for this task).

    I love the goal of reading a book while at the bookstore. Since my little guy is 2 1/2, there’s not a lot of book browsing, but I will remember this one.

    I can see we have similar taste in book banners. . . .

  6. Kate S. said

    A belated happy birthday to you! I look forward to hearing which books you decide to treat yourself to in honour of the occasion.

  7. I went ahead and linked your goals to the main page of the Read to Me mission. If you want me to remove it, you can, otherwise if you link up at the end of the mission the week of March 19, you are eligible for prizes!

  8. […] Read To Me Update Jump to Comments I wrote about my goals here. […]

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